The Ultimate Guide: How to Paint a Trampoline Like a Pro

Have you ever looked at your old, weathered trampoline and wished to give it a fresh look? Maybe it’s time to consider painting it! A fresh coat of paint will not only make it seem new again but will also protect it against rust and other sorts of harm. But you don’t know where to start because you are unfamiliar with the process.

In short, painting a trampoline involves cleaning the surface, applying a primer, and then adding the topcoat. However, you must follow specific steps and tools to ensure the best results.

This comprehensive guide covers everything from the tools and materials you’ll need to the preparation and painting process, ensuring your trampoline maintains its new look for years. Ready to get started? Let’s jump into the process of painting your trampoline!

What Tools and Materials Do You Need?

When painting your trampoline, you’ll want to have a few crucial pieces of equipment and materials available. To make sure you’re fully prepared for the job, here’s a comprehensive list of everything you’ll need:

The Ultimate Guide: How to Paint a Trampoline Like a Pro

Rust-resistant spray paint

Protect your trampoline from rust damage by applying rust-resistant spray paint on its frame and springs. This simple step can help extend the lifespan of your trampoline and ensure its safety for all users. Find high-quality rust-resistant spray paint at your local hardware store or online.


The sandpaper will help remove rust, old paint, or debris on the trampoline frame or springs. Make sure to use fine-grit sandpaper.

Painter’s tape

To avoid getting paint on areas you don’t want to be painted, use painter’s tape to cover them. You can use it to cover the safety pads, springs, and other parts you want to keep paint-free.

Drop cloth or tarp

To prevent overspray from causing damage to the surrounding area, it’s crucial to take preventive measures. Using a drop cloth or tarp, you can protect the ground or any nearby objects. This will ensure the spray stays contained and your working area remains clean and untouched.

Cleaning solution

For the best results, cleaning the trampoline thoroughly before painting is essential. Any filth, grime, or debris can prevent the paint from adhering properly.

Use a high-quality cleaning solution designed explicitly for trampolines to ensure a clean surface. This will help to remove any stubborn stains and prepare the surface for painting.

Gloves and protective eyewear

Painting requires wearing gloves and safety goggles for protection, especially when using spray paint. Spray paint can severely harm your health if it comes in contact with your eyes or skin. Therefore, don’t take any chances and safeguard yourself with the proper safety equipment.

How to Prepare Your Trampoline for Painting?

Before you start painting your trampoline, you need to prepare it properly. Here are the steps you must take to prepare your trampoline for painting:

How to Prepare Your Trampoline for Painting
How to Prepare Your Trampoline for Painting

Clean the Trampoline

Start by giving your trampoline a good cleaning before using it. Scrub away any dirt, filth, or debris deposited on the surface with a soft-bristled brush.

Add a little mild detergent to the mixture for an extra thorough cleaning. After washing the trampoline, rinse it with water and let it air dry completely before using it. This quick first step ensures that your trampoline is clean and safe for bouncing.

Remove Rust

Before starting to paint your trampoline, checking for any rust on its surface is essential. If you notice any rust, removing it before proceeding with the painting process is crucial. Use a wire brush or sandpaper to strip off the rust completely. Ensure that you remove all the rust so that it doesn’t continue to spread under the paint. By taking this measure, you can ensure that your trampoline appears brand-new and lasts a very long time.

Sand the Surface

Sandpaper can be used to make the trampoline’s surface rough once it has dried. This will improve the paint’s ability to stick to the trampoline’s surface.

Cover the springs

If you are only painting the trampoline frame, cover the springs with plastic bags or tape to protect them from the paint. If you also paint the springs, you don’t need to worry about this step.

Mask off the Area

When painting a trampoline in a confined space, take precautions to prevent overspray from landing on surrounding surfaces. Use plastic sheets or tape to mask off the area and ensure a clean and precise finish.

How Do You Paint the Trampoline Frame?

The next step after getting your trampoline ready for painting is to paint the frame. This is how you do it:

How Do You Paint the Trampoline Frame
How Do You Paint the Trampoline Frame

Choose the Right Paint

Select a rust-resistant spray paint that adheres well to metal surfaces and ensures long-lasting protection. Consider opting for a color that complements your outdoor décor and is safe for prolonged exposure to the elements.

Cover Springs and Mat

For a seamless painting experience, it is highly recommended to use painter’s tape or plastic bags to cover the springs and mat. This will protect them from unwanted overspray and ensure they don’t get painted accidentally. It is crucial to skip this procedure if you also intend to paint these components.

Start Painting

For best results, ensure that the paint can is well-shaken before use. Hold the can approximately 6-8 inches from the frame, and apply the paint with slow, smooth strokes. Be sure to cover the entire frame evenly for a flawless finish.

Apply a Second Coat

It is advised to use a second coat once the first has dried fully for increased defense against corrosion and scratches.

Paint the Underside

If you want to paint the underside of the frame, tilt the trampoline on its side and spray it in a slow, gentle arc.

Dry Completely

Allow the paint to dry completely before removing the tape or plastic bags. This should take a few hours, depending on the weather conditions.


Once the paint has dried, check for any spots that need touch-ups. If you find any, use a small paintbrush to cover them up.

How to Paint the Trampoline Mat?

It’s time to move on to painting the trampoline mat when you’ve finished painting the frame. Although painting the mat can be slightly more difficult, it is simple to do with the right tools and methods. Here are the steps you can follow to paint it:

Select the right paint

Choosing the right paint for your trampoline mat is crucial to ensure its longevity and performance. To achieve optimal results, it’s recommended to use acrylic or latex paint for most trampolines, as they are specifically formulated to adhere well to the mat’s material.

How to Paint the Trampoline Mat
How to Paint the Trampoline Mat

Clean the mat

Like the frame, the mat must be thoroughly cleaned before painting. Clean the surface with water and mild detergent, then hose it off and let it air dry fully.

Mask off areas

Use painter’s tape to mask any areas you don’t want to be painted, such as the manufacturer’s logo or warning labels.

Apply the paint

To achieve a flawless finish, applying the paint to the mat using a paint roller or brush is essential. Begin in the center of the mat and work your way outwards, applying the paint in a thin and even coat.

Wait until the first layer is completely dry before applying a second coat if necessary. This will ensure that your mat has a smooth and professional look.

Allow the paint to dry

Ensure the paint is completely dry before using your trampoline to ensure maximum safety and performance. Depending on the weather, this can take many days. Therefore, it is advised to exercise patience and give the paint enough time to dry completely before using your trampoline.

How to Finish Up?

Once you have finished painting your trampoline frame and mat, you must complete a few more steps to ensure your paint job lasts as long as possible.

How to Finish Up
How to Finish Up

Let the paint dry completely

As mentioned, before you start using your trampoline, make sure that the paint has dried completely. Typically, this takes about 24-48 hours, but following the manufacturer’s recommendations is best. Keep your trampoline in a dry, well-ventilated place for the paint to cure properly during this period.

Add a clear coat (optional)

Applying a clear coat over the painted surface can add an extra layer of protection and help the paint last longer. But if you’d rather, you can omit this step.

Reassemble the trampoline

Once the paint is dry and any optional clear coat has been applied, you can reassemble your trampoline. To verify that every part is securely in place, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Clean your equipment

To ensure your painting tools last longer and perform better, cleaning them thoroughly after each use is essential. If the paint dries on your brushes or rollers, it can be difficult to remove, leading to a shorter lifespan for your equipment.

Don’t forget to clean the nozzle of your spray paint to prevent clogging and ensure a smooth application next time.

Store your equipment properly

To keep your painting equipment in top condition, it’s essential to store it properly. Opt for a dry and cool area to store your supplies. To prevent the deformation of your brushes and rollers, store them with their bristles facing upwards. This simple tip can go a long way in extending the life of your painting equipment.

Can you Paint the Trampoline Springs?

Yes, you can paint trampoline springs. In fact, it is a common practice among trampoline owners. However, it is crucial to use the right type of paint. The paint should be able to withstand the elements and not peel off easily. Also, it is essential to use safe paint for outdoor use.

Can you Paint the Trampoline Springs
Can you Paint the Trampoline Springs

What Type of Paint Should You Use?

When painting trampoline springs, not all paints are created equal. It would be best to choose a durable paint that can withstand the elements.

Acrylic enamel paint is a good choice. It is durable, weather-resistant, and can handle the constant movement of the springs. However, choosing a paint that is safe for outdoor use and won’t harm the environment is essential.

How to Paint Trampoline Springs?

The moment has come to learn how to paint trampoline springs now that you know the proper paint. It would be best if you took the following actions:

Preparing the springs

Before you begin painting, you need to prepare the springs. First, clean them with soap and water to remove dirt or debris. Once clean, use a wire brush to remove any loose rust or paint chips. Then, sand the springs with fine-grit sandpaper to create a rough surface to help the paint adhere better.

Painting the Springs

Now it’s time to paint the springs. Cover the trampoline mat and frame with a tarp or plastic sheeting to protect them from paint overspray. Next, apply a rust-inhibiting primer to the springs, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

After the primer has dried, apply the paint in thin, even coats, allowing each one to dry before proceeding. Be sure to cover all parts of the springs, including the ends and hooks.

Letting the Paint Dry

After you have finished painting the springs, let them dry completely. This could take several hours or perhaps a few days, depending on the local weather. Once the paint has fully dried and cured, only then should you use the trampoline.

Remember to note that you should never paint the entire spring. The paint can interfere with the spring’s elasticity, which can be dangerous.

Can you apply rubberized paint to a trampoline?

Rubberized paint can be an excellent option for a trampoline, providing a durable and non-slip surface. However, not all rubberized paints are appropriate for trampoline use because some contain hazardous chemicals or do not adhere well to the trampoline’s surface.

Can you apply rubberized paint to a trampoline?
Can you apply rubberized paint to a trampoline?

When selecting a rubberized paint for your trampoline, be sure to choose one specifically designed for outdoor use and safe for children’s toys. You should also ensure that the paint is compatible with your trampoline’s material, whether metal or plastic.

Before applying the rubberized paint, follow the same preparation steps outlined in the previous sections. Ensure the surface is clean and dry, and apply the paint in thin, even coats. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer.

Remember always to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the rubberized paint and allow ample time to dry and cure before using the trampoline again. Proper application and care can provide a durable and safe option for painting your trampoline.


Painting your trampoline can give it a new lease on life and make it look new again. With the right tools, materials, and techniques, you can easily paint your trampoline’s frame and mat. The key is to make sure you properly prepare the trampoline before painting and take your time to ensure even coverage.

While it may initially seem daunting, painting a trampoline is a relatively simple and affordable DIY project that can be completed on the weekend. Just follow the steps outlined in this guide and take safety precautions when working with paint and on top of it. With a little time and effort, you can restore your old, faded one into a gorgeous and vivid addition to your backyard.

Last Updated on May 3, 2023

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Rufag Milar

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