Migraine Or Headaches After Trampoline Jumping – 4 Common Reasons Why

There are many types of headaches, such as a migraine, a type of headache that usually has no known causes.

Sometimes it strikes you as a throbbing and piercing pain on one side of your head, and on many occasions, you may feel like the pain is spreading all over.

Having such sensations isn’t unusual after participating in rebounding exercises like trampolining.

If you are suffering from migraine or headaches after trampoline jumping, there could be 4 common reasons why this is happening. Read along to decipher the causes and how you can cure them.

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is a very common cause of headaches. Your body requires a balanced amount of fluids to function properly. The brain and other tissues in your body contract as a result of low amounts of fluids. When your brain contracts, it puts pressure on nerves which causes pain.

Spending too much time on the trampoline naturally causes you to lose fluids through sweating. As a result, you can expect dizziness, headaches, and blurry vision. Weather is another factor to keep in mind; You are more likely to sweat and dehydrate on hotter days.

Dehydration Level

What Are the Common Symptoms?

  • Feeling thirsty
  • Dry mouth, lips, and eyes
  • Lower frequency of urination
  • Dark-yellow urination
  • Feeling lightheaded

Solution: Make sure that you are properly hydrated after spending time on trampolines. Your brain should return to its natural state if you drink enough water. However, you don’t need to drink more water than your body needs. Drinking too much water before jumping on the trampoline can cause stitches.

Simply keep a water bottle with you throughout the day in case you feel any of the mentioned symptoms. Drinks containing electrolytes may also ease the headache.

Also, avoid using a trampoline after drinking alcohol or taking any medication. You may also want to monitor how much time you spend jumping on the trampoline depending on the weather; the hotter the day, the less time you should spend on trampolines.

2. Low Blood Sugar

Fluctuating levels of sugar in your body can cause headaches. The more exercise you put on your body, the more your muscles consume glucose (a type of sugar in your blood).

Spending enough time on the trampoline means that your heart is pumping faster, and the muscles are consuming more sugar. As a result, you can experience dizziness or headache.

Low amounts of sugar in your body can also cause muscle pain. It is also important to note that too much sugar in your body can also cause headaches. Moreover, if you’re someone with diabetes, your body is already having difficulty regulating your sugar levels.

Low Blood Sugar

What Are the Common Symptoms?

  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling hungry
  • Trembling
  • Mood swings
  • Tiredness

Solution: Drinking sugary drinks or juices can increase your blood sugar levels if you’re sure that low sugar levels are causing the headache.

However, if you have diabetes or any other form of the condition that makes you hyper-sensitive to sugar, be sure to consult with a doctor to find the best solution to maintain your sugar levels.

Also, consider monitoring the amount of time you spend on trampolines if you suffer from altering sugar levels in your body. In general, trampolining is a good exercise and can actually help you maintain your sugar levels.

If you have diabetes, avoid drinking sugary drinks and foods. Instead, regularly eating nutritious meals can help you maintain your sugar levels.

What Happens To Your Brain During a Migraine.

3. High Neck Tension

Muscle tension around your upper body, such as your chest, neck, and shoulders, may cause headaches. While jumping on trampolines, these muscles may experience greater tension around these muscles, which ultimately results in headaches.

If you have a poor posture, such as a rounded neck, then chances are that it’s exerting stiffness around the upper body. Stress, depression, and anxiety are also common factors that cause muscles around your neck, scalp, and shoulders to tighten up.

High Neck Tension

What are the common symptoms?

  • Muscle tightness around the neck and shoulders
  • Difficulty in turning the head around
  • Certain postures/positions cause more muscle pain

Solution: Poor posture is often caused by unhealthy sitting positions or the constant use of laptops and smartphones. Regular exercises targeted toward the upper portion of the body can help reduce the muscle stiffness around the chest, neck, and shoulders.

Moreover, daily yoga practices are a great way to stretch these muscles, along with compound exercises such as pushups and pullups. You may also want to consider taking steps to reduce your stress levels.

Although many factors contribute to your stress, a good amount of quality rest and healthy eating habits can greatly reduce your stress levels.

4. Lack of Sleep

Another major reason that causes headaches is an unhealthy sleep cycle. The amount of sleep a person needs varies for different age groups, environments, genetics, etc. Due to difficulties in maintaining work-life balance, improper sleeping patterns have become a major concern in society.

Without proper sleep, your brain produces stress hormones that trigger anxiety and depression and causes many other side effects. You are more likely to have a headache with a tired brain that is full of stress hormones.

Lack of Sleep

What Are the Common Symptoms?

  • Slowness in thinking
  • Memory loss
  • Lack of energy
  • Stress
  • Reduced attention span

Solution: Not all age groups require similar sleeping routines. By consulting with a professional, try to identify how much sleep you require for your body to function properly.

There are, of course, many steps you can take to get better sleep. Consider avoiding the use of smartphones and computer screens before sleeping as it may result in poor quality sleep; Screens emit light that discourages the brain from sleeping.

Temperature is also another factor that determines good sleep. Typically, somewhere between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit is a good temperature range for people to sleep in.

However, there may be a multitude of factors that are causing you to have poor sleep. If having a good night’s sleep is nearly impossible, depending on your lifestyle, an afternoon sleep may do the trick on days you wish to jump on trampolines. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can trampolining cause migraines?

It is important to note that doctors are not exactly sure about what causes migraines. However, there are reasons that can trigger a migraine when performing recreational activities like trampolining.

Is it safe to use trampolines for exercising?

Risks can come with any kind of activity that involves defying gravity. But with proper measures, injuries can be avoided. Trampolines can give you a number of ways through which you can exercise. And it’s best not to challenge yourself from the very start. 

What’s the age limit for using trampolines?

There is no age limit for trampolines. However, experts suggest that children under 6 should not be using trampolines as they can cause severe injuries for them.

What does a migraine feel like?

A migraine feels like a throbbing pain or a pulsing sensation on one side of the head. In most cases, it accompanies nausea, vomiting, and light sensitivity.

How to Relieve a Headache in 30 SECONDS.

Final Words

Be it a migraine or headache after trampoline jumping, knowing the 4 common reasons will help you take the necessary steps to alleviate the pain.

But as mentioned earlier, there are many types of headaches. So if the above-mentioned causes are not helping you identify the reason for your headache, consider consulting with a doctor to figure out other factors.

Last Updated on December 29, 2022

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Rufag Milar

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